Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NONE stays...BOTH goes...

Well it was another dramatic week on the Bachelor. Everyone hit the road this week...the girls in the RVs and Jake on his motorcycle once again heading up the California coast. First stop...winery.
Date #1- Gia

Jake gets ready for his date with Gia by shaving in his little mirror...meanwhile I'm wondering where the heck headed off to to "get ready" on his motorcycle after giving Gia the date card? Anyway...The date with Gia is full of fun...like hide and seek and spin the bottle?! Oh boy...but she gets a rose, and I will admit that by the end of their date I was liking her a little more.

Date #2- Group Date from HELL!!

Jake took the girls to Pismo beach for some dune buggy riding and sand surfing...which we all agreed looked pretty fun! However the idea of tackling each other and rolling down the hill in the sand...not so fun...but hey Corrie whatever you need to do. I think it went more like this: Producer to Jake: Jake it was great when you rolled down the hill with Tenley and both got covered in sand...see if you can find another sucker so we can get it on film again

Jake: ok...whatever you say

The date then ended up at the Madonna Inn where the girls first jumped all over the room still covered in sand then got all dressed up for the cocktail time. Jake instead chose to wear a sweater and jeans? Anyway...the night consisted of different make out (or attempted make out) sessions in different rooms throughout the hotel. The most painful of which was Ashleigh and her SHORT skirt wrapped all around Jake.

Date #3- Kathryn and Ella

I knew Ella was a goner after the 1 on 1 date at Sea World, but he would not do it on the actual date with her kid, so her leaving was not a surprise...and neither was Kathryn really seeing as we have seen a combined total of about 5 minutes of her all season.

but...the burning of the rose...PRICELESS!!

Let go this week:

Ella: Jake is not ready for daddy duty Kathryn: yes...he is sure Ashleigh: try as you might he just wasn't feeling it Jessie: thanks for the advice...not takin' it!

Roses: Gia on her 1 on 1 and Tenley on the group date...for her "patience"
The blogs are great this week: The best one here Chris Harrison's here and Jake's here...if you only read one make sure to read the first one!!
Some other fun stuff for this week:
1. Did you know that Jake was once on Walker Texas Ranger?!
click here to see the video
2. CRAZY Michelle was on Ellen, click here to watch her interview
3. Chris Harrison was also on Ellen, click here for his interview
4. Jake was on Jimmy Kimmel who totally gives it to him...click here to watch the first half and here for the rest


As always Kevin racks up quite a few:
"I am so ashamed that I gave him some props last week, I feel dirty."
About Ethan, Ella's Kid "I don't think that was her real kid. He is away at college. They grabbed fake Ethan from a shelter for a day. It was fake Ethan's make a wish. Dear Make-a-Wish, my one dream in life is to be on television and go to Sea World."
"I'd argue the entire episode was a whinery"

Laurie- "If we hurry up and polish off this wine bottle, you'll be drunk is really what he's thinking!"

Brea- while giving her play by play as my computer crashed for the 3rd time watching the show: "my mind is a steel trap girls...don't worry!"
Park Slope- while congratulating them on getting their picks in prior to 10 minutes before show time "True- There was not much debate as in previous weeks, mostly because we feel confident Jake understands his own needs and wants as TV's "The Bachelor"
Ellie- in response to Kevin's "don't bother girls, until you've lived reality TV dating, you just won't fully understand" (of which he was on Blind Date in case you were wondering) Ellie says "I may have made an appearance on MTV's tail daters during my college years"
**points updated on right hand side**
Eliminated: Ashleigh, Jessie, Ella and Kathryn- Laurie nailed all 4
"Vienna"- said 21 times during the episode giving Clare 9 points for guessing 22 and Bri 9 points for guessing 20
Two in the winery- throwing this one out since I got the date wrong
Kisses- he kissed 4 of the girls, Corrie being the only keeper he did not kiss points to Laurie and Kevin
No Shirt- a surprisingly low 1 for the number of times Jake is shirtless in this episode giving Brooke, Bri, Brittni, Christine and Kevin 9 points each for guessing 2
1. How many times will San Francisco be said?
2. How many times will the girls say "this is so hard", "it is hard"...refering to being in the process with the other girls?
3. How many times will Ali say bitch when refering to Vienna?
4. How many times will "like" be said?
5. Who is going home just short of the hometown dates?
**give me your final pick...once again you can switch it up or stay with your current pick**

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Another drama filled episode of the bachelor...and this week I even found myself liking Jake a couple of times...don't get me wrong he is still super cheesy...but better.
An example of his cheese...his little chuckle at the end of each of his own jokes...REALLY?!

This episode had a one on one with Vienna (didn't see that one coming!)FYI: THERE IS NO CRYING IN TOP GUN!
We found it amusing that they had NOTHING to talk about other than the jump they just did, so when in doubt...make out. Still not a Vienna fan, don't think I will ever get past the first episode where she was out with her dog in matching dresses...
Next date...comedy club
The girl's performances were LAME but let's be honest, did we expect anything more?! Ashleigh is the one who really showed how terrified she was of the performance, but the chica downed a good 2-7 drinks and took to the stage for what was probably the least lame performance of the whole batch. Lesson: booze+blonde jokes=better performances than the rest!

Then the night got FUN!!

Above you will find Jake making his WTF face while trying to talk to Michelle who once again came to him after just crying. She then says she is going to leave...then decides she will stay if he wants her to...which sadly for our viewing pleasure he didn't. See ya Michelle...don't let the green minivan cab door hit you on the way out.
Date #3
Now whoever didn't know that ABC would shamelessly fly out Ella's son at some point during this process doesn't know the show! So when Ella was selected for a one on one date I knew what was coming...happy family time!
Ella was quite likeable...and even normal during her date, and I even started to believe her that she really did want a normal relationship and to be a happy family UNTIL she compared what she wants to Trista and Ryan?! Come on!!! Oh well...she will be on for at least the next obligatory episode as you obviously can't boot the woman whose child you just met.
Elizabeth's Downward Spiral
The above shot is when we all knew Elizabeth would be on her way out the door soon...granted it is from last week...he just had to get rid of a few others first, but she sealed her fate by not kissing him the week before then toying with him...which Ellen also does not agree with watch HERE!

So in summary:

Let go this week-

Michelle: kicked to the curb...literally

Elizabeth: no kissing+headgames= ADIOS Valisha: wait was she still on the show?!

ROSES: went to Vienna AND Ella on their individual dates but no group date rose

BLOGS: BEST blog click HERE, Chris Harrison click HERE, and OMG Jake has a weekly blog...sorry folks for letting you down for the past couple of weeks but the show was about all of Jake I could handle...but now that he is not quite as bad HERE is his blog


***points on the right hand side***

Eliminated- Valisha, Michelle and Elizabeth...big props to Laura for being the ONLY one to call Elizabeth getting the boot...this may have to do with the fact that Laura has not yet watched last week! Park Slope, Clare, Kvein, Christine, Ellie and Catherine also all got 10 points for guessing 2 of the 3

Booted Early- Michelle 10 points to Brea, Emily, Jill, Christine, Kevin and Clare

"Rose"- first of all I should DEDUCT points for anyone who guessed under 9...there had to be at least 9 roses said as he says "so and so will you accept this rose" every time he hands out a rose!! Anyway...with rose being said a whopping 39 times last night Jen gets 10 points for guessing 37

1 on 1- Vienna and Ella...Park Slope nailed both for a bonus 5 points for a total of 15 points

no dates- Gia and Valisha...Park Slope AGAIN nailed both for a bonus 5 points for a total of 15 points


1. Which 4 girls don't get roses this week?

2. What two girls go on the winery date?

3. How many times will "Vienna" be said?

4. How many girls will Jake kiss (on the lips) during the episode?

5. How many times can they work in Jake with his shirt off? (hot tub on one date counts as 1...not EACH time they show the hot tub scene)

***Change/keep your final pick...it is that time again to decide who his final pick will be...you can choose to stay with who you picked early on or switch to someone new. You will receive more points at the end of the season for the longer you had the correct guess.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Booze and Tears and Inappropriate Relations OH MY!!

After the above picture I am not sure I even need to write more...REALLY?! Playing up the Top Gun theme is getting a little ridiculous! I am just waiting for the volleyball scene on the beach (would they get him some dog tags for the episode?)
Well it was quite an episode last night but I am back to realizing why I was dreading Jake being the bachelor...he is SUCH A CHEESEBALL it is making it actually physically hard to watch! Don't get me wrong...I will still be watching it but with an ever present gag reflex!

Best non-show quotes of the week/last night:

Brea- in responding to which girl would be involved in the scandal "The girl whose dress was up to her vajayjay on the first show...Ashleigh"

Kevin - in response to being given Michelle as bonus points girl "Chris Harrison has a better chance at getting a kiss or a 1 on 1 than Michelle does. Thanks for nothing"
" How many points if your girl: 1. cries 2. gets hauled off to the insane asylum 3. steals valium from one of the other girls to calm herself down"

Jill- from the Celtics game "So I may have missed on the wings of love but Laurie I did sit next to the one and only...Bobby Brown at the Celtics game."

Kevin- during the west coast viewing time " Yes that was me you heard screaming at 915p pacific time when jake sat down with crazy KISS HER KISS HER YOU DUMMY DO IT NOW And when the other girl walks up OH YOU BIAAATCH GET OUT OF HERE. PITY KISS PITY KISS"

Week 2 Recap

These girls were let go: Ashley, Christina and forcefully Rozlyn

Group Date/1 on 1 Roses:

Rozlyn, Ali, Elizabeth

BEST blog ever read this week's recap here

Chris Harrison's blog recap here

Week 2 Results

***point total is updated to the right**

Eliminated- 5 points per correct guess- Bri and Kevin lead this one with 2 correct each

"Like"- a disappointing count this week since Ella didn't go on a date! It was only said once so Brooke was the closes with 5 as her guess for a total of 6 points

"body/abs"- again even with a pool scene there was a disappointing ZERO mentions of Jake's body/abs but with a guess of guess of 4 Jill and Brittni got 6 points each

Scandal- the inappropriate relations of Rozlyn got her sent packing and gained Laurie, Brittni, Kevin and the Park Slope crew 10 points each

Next Week

1. Which 3 girls get the boot this week?

2. Which girl leaves the show BEFORE the rose ceremony?

3. Get your counters out...how many times is ROSE said during the episode?

4. Who are the two that get the 1 on 1 dates?

5. Who are the two that don't get dates this week?

***send your guesses to me prior to next week's episode***

Monday, January 4, 2010

And the fun begins!!!

Well it is that wonderful time of the tv viewing season once again...the premier of the Bachelor! Now most of you know I was less than thrilled with Jake as the choice for the Bachelor, however now after watching the first episode I know the show will not be lacking in the entertainment department...this season is even more cheesy than the last if that is even possible! Seeing as Jake kept ALL of the crazies last night we should have at least some good drama ahead!
We started off the season with a small crew (Brittni and me) so we hope to see more of you next week! And since you all were not there I thought I would pass along some of my favorite non-episode quotes of the night:

Brittni- about 20 minutes into the show "I just didn't know if I would have time for the show with school this semester...but I SO have time!"

Jill- via text "And if you understood Cambodian better what she said Laurie is you can land your plane on my landing strip"

Laurie- after Jake says, "it is nothing personal"..."um...isn't that exactly what it is...he is saying hey it is you personally that I don't like as much as these other girls?!!!"

Recap of this Week:

The girls that were let go:
Elizabeth from DC

First Impression Rose:

Best blog article on the planet here

Chris Harrison's blog here
This Season's Game Rules
We are kicking off another season which means another season of point tracking!!
How it works:
1. Each week I will send an email (usually the day after the episode) with the questions for the following week and the spreadsheet of remaining girls.
2. Your answers to the week's questions must be submitted prior to the show time for the upcoming week.
3. If you do not submit your guesses on time for a week you will simply get the same amount of points as the lowest point total for the week.
4. Scoring is done by getting points for correctly guessing those that will be eliminated as well as being the closest to the actual numbers or other guesses. I will let you know each week how many points each item is worth.
5. This year there will be bonus points for those viewing the show in person...each week it will be something different so it pays to watch with the group.
Results- Week 1
**point totals can be viewed on the sidebar
Each correct eliminated girl = 5 points
most correct eliminations goes to Kevin with 6
Exact guess = 10 points
Emily, Bri and Christine guessed exactly with it being said 15 times (should have gone with pilot/flying references and we would have been over 100 I bet!!)
Exact guess = 10 points
Emily was the closest guessing 6 instead of 5 so she gets 9 points (10 minus the 1 she was off by)
Red Dresses
Exact guess = 10 points
Emily is the only one with the exact guess of 5

Next Week
Location: Brea's House
Time: 7pm
(I'll email directions)

1. Which 3 girls will he let go this week? (see attached word doc in the email for the remaining girls)
2. Which girl is the one involved in the "scandal"?
3. How many times will Ella say "like"?
4. Who do you think will be in the final 3?
5. How many times will abs or body be said?
***submit answers to me via email prior to the start of the show next week