Well I would have to say that this week goes down as one of the lamest so far!
The crew heads to San Fran for a whirlwind of dates.
Date #1- Tenley
I am not sure I can handle much more of Tenley and her voice and screeching! I am not sure how the rest of you felt but that date was PAINFUL! They have NOTHING to talk about...unless Jake again hits up the ex-husband discussion...or they kiss. Those of you that chose Tenley as your bonus person scored HUGE however since Jake said her name like every other word!
Date #2- Gia and Vienna (although it would have been MUCH better if it was Ali and Vienna!)
This date, like any group dates Jake has, was also very awkward. I am not sure AT ALL what he sees in Vienna, especially something that would cause him to call her "sexy as hell??!!" Is he looking at the same person we are looking at?! Anyway, the date was very awkward from beginning to end. From Jake turning this back on Gia while listening to Vienna babble about Ali and the rose ceremony, to Gia and Jake's discussion about how he is with the other girls and whether it is ok to fall, and then Vienna looking for them and getting scared being all by herself in the dark big castle (except for the 5 production people right behind you!), and then to end it all Vienna going to find Jake in bed and I must say him looking pretty annoyed...
Then Date #3- Corrie
If the writing wasn't on the wall last week when she got the cheek peck and hug it was DEFINITELY there while in the boat and they were two inches from each other and then didn't kiss. Then later on in the date when Jake comes to his revelation that Corrie is "saving herself for marriage" she then gets what I believe is a pity kiss...or Jake knowing he is sending her packing but trying to make it seem like the reason wasn't the new info.
Date #4- Ali
Well Ali and Jake seemed to have the most normal date of the whole week, with actual conversations and not just giggles and strage voices...which means she is probably a goner! I searched for the pic of the two of them in the park...but no you will just have to picture her straddling him while the mom and kid walk by...REALLY?! Come on now!! I think you can tell from my post so far that I am finding this season...and especially this end to the season LAME! All I can say is if they go with the pattern and take one of these cast offs as the next Bachelorette I may have to officially boycott!
Eliminated this week:
Those left and heading out for hometown dates:
Vienna, Tenley, Gia and Ali
This week's blogs: I must once again stress if you do not normally read this girl's blog you MUST read will make you cry it is that funny...her tagline this week is Virgin Suicide. Click
here to read the blog, then there is Chris Harrison's blog
here, and good old Jake's blog
Kevin: "That's what she said" in response to the number of times so hard would be said.
Joel: "True to all, except I was kind of hoping Michelle would be the next Bachelorette just so ABC would have to deal with their first ever on camera homicide." in response to my email saying I would boycott if any of the girls from this season were picked as the next bachelorette.
Brea: "Oh great would it be if he just busted out On the Wings of Love" talking about the random street performer in the random alley in China town.
Clare: via text "not enough drama tonight"
Kevin: "how many points did we get for mounting Jake in the park while a mom walked by with her child?"
Kevin: "Jake gets -25 for not going all the way and diving completely in the ocean, really is all you got captain america?"
Kevin: "I think his picker is broken"
Week 5 Results:
**updated points on the right hand side**
Eliminated- Corrie giving Laurie, Brea, Bri, Christine, Kevin and Park Slope 10 points
San Fran was said 15 times giving Brea, Bri and Brittni 10 points for guessing exactly
Hard was said 10 times giving Emily and Bri 10 points for guessing exactly
B*#!H was not said ONCE!! giving Kevin 10 points for guessing correctly
Like was said 43 times by the time I stopped counting (thank you Gia) giving Brea 10 points for guessing 39
Bonus Points:
Those picking Tenley wise choice thanks to Jake saying her name so many times! +34
Gia as bonus +8
Ali +19
Corrie +19 (thanks to the pity kiss)
and no one picked Vienna
1. Who leaves the show?
2. How many times do they say hometown?
3. How many times is daughter said?
4. How many times does Jake do his stupid nervous laugh?
5. How many people will cry this week?
**and who is your final pick? you can keep the same or switch**