Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 11, 2010

Booze and Tears and Inappropriate Relations OH MY!!

After the above picture I am not sure I even need to write more...REALLY?! Playing up the Top Gun theme is getting a little ridiculous! I am just waiting for the volleyball scene on the beach (would they get him some dog tags for the episode?)
Well it was quite an episode last night but I am back to realizing why I was dreading Jake being the bachelor...he is SUCH A CHEESEBALL it is making it actually physically hard to watch! Don't get me wrong...I will still be watching it but with an ever present gag reflex!

Best non-show quotes of the week/last night:

Brea- in responding to which girl would be involved in the scandal "The girl whose dress was up to her vajayjay on the first show...Ashleigh"

Kevin - in response to being given Michelle as bonus points girl "Chris Harrison has a better chance at getting a kiss or a 1 on 1 than Michelle does. Thanks for nothing"
" How many points if your girl: 1. cries 2. gets hauled off to the insane asylum 3. steals valium from one of the other girls to calm herself down"

Jill- from the Celtics game "So I may have missed on the wings of love but Laurie I did sit next to the one and only...Bobby Brown at the Celtics game."

Kevin- during the west coast viewing time " Yes that was me you heard screaming at 915p pacific time when jake sat down with crazy KISS HER KISS HER YOU DUMMY DO IT NOW And when the other girl walks up OH YOU BIAAATCH GET OUT OF HERE. PITY KISS PITY KISS"

Week 2 Recap

These girls were let go: Ashley, Christina and forcefully Rozlyn

Group Date/1 on 1 Roses:

Rozlyn, Ali, Elizabeth

BEST blog ever read this week's recap here

Chris Harrison's blog recap here

Week 2 Results

***point total is updated to the right**

Eliminated- 5 points per correct guess- Bri and Kevin lead this one with 2 correct each

"Like"- a disappointing count this week since Ella didn't go on a date! It was only said once so Brooke was the closes with 5 as her guess for a total of 6 points

"body/abs"- again even with a pool scene there was a disappointing ZERO mentions of Jake's body/abs but with a guess of guess of 4 Jill and Brittni got 6 points each

Scandal- the inappropriate relations of Rozlyn got her sent packing and gained Laurie, Brittni, Kevin and the Park Slope crew 10 points each

Next Week

1. Which 3 girls get the boot this week?

2. Which girl leaves the show BEFORE the rose ceremony?

3. Get your counters out...how many times is ROSE said during the episode?

4. Who are the two that get the 1 on 1 dates?

5. Who are the two that don't get dates this week?

***send your guesses to me prior to next week's episode***