Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Should I stay or should I go....

Jake heads out across the US for hometown dates this week.

First stop NYC to meet Gia's family (her mom, step dad, brother and step-brother)

Her brother tells Jake that if he hurts Gia he'll hurt him...all 120lbs of him will for sure do a number on Jake!

Then Jake is off to Mass to meet Ali's family, but only after visiting the empty house of her dead grandmother which is a bit strange. I did love that her mom googled Jake in preparation for the visit. We also learn during this visit that Jake is a wuss when it comes to cold...GET RID OF THAT STUPID SCARF!!

Hometown number 3 takes Jake to Tenley, and what is to be a performance of a lifetime. I really didn't things could get much more painful than their date in Chinatown...but I was Wrong with a captial W!! We spent the next 5 minutes after the dance discussing whether or not that really just happened. Wow...Tenley is for sure too close to the divorce that just happened this past year but somehow she keeps staying.

And last, but definitely not least, we head to the swamp for the hometown with Vienna. I must confess her family is not at ALL what I had pictured as she talked about how her dad kept buying her new cars, etc. Wow...I don't even really know what to say about them! Jake's 1 on 1 time with Vienna's dad is nothing short of blah...just like Vienna. He deserves Vienna if he has not gotten the idea to run and run fast now based on her family AND the hate of all of the other girls!

Then...the DRAMA! Ali must decide to stay or to go...word on the street is that she works for Facebook...a job she doesn't want to give up. Well cheers to you Ali for deciding that taking a chance on this show is not worth throwing your life away. I mean let's be honest it isn't like Jake couldn't come back to you when the show is over anyway, or as we've already seen on a previous season you could go and come back...who knows! No need to be so upset, even though the rest of us are since now it is down to Gia, Tenley and Vienna!


Ali self eliminates

the blogs for the week: best blog ever here, chris harrison here, and jake here

Best non-show quotes of the week:

Kevin- Ali's hometown date: Here is my dead grandmother's haunted house. We can't sell it because the real estate market is awful and it looks like something out of the hobbit. Sabrina Soto from HGTV would not help us, but abc was nice enough to try. It can be yours for 35k Jake.

Brea- those girls must be like WTF?! (in reference to the 3 still waiting in the rose room)

Brea- "Vienna is like ding dong the wicked witch is dead" in reference to Ali leaving

Bri- as jake describes Tenley as bright and vivid "yeah just like her dress!"


**new totals on the right**

Next week we will start up a new way for points as we wind down to the final episodes, explained below, but here are the results for this week:

Ali left the show giving Laurie, Brea, Emily, Brittni, Ellie and Kevin 10 points

Hometown was said 6 times giving Catherine 10 points for guessing exactly

Daughter was said 9 times giving Laurie 9 points for guessing 8 and Ellie 9 points for guessing 10

Stupid laugh, while this category was hard to qualify, we ended up with 11 giving Brooke 10 points

Crying...my goodness the question should have been who didn't cry?! With Gia, Gia's mom, Ali, Tenley, Tenley's mom, Tenley's dad, Tenley's sister, Vienna, Vienna's dad, Vienna's mom, Vienna's sister and Jake all crying Clare gets the points for having the highest guess with 6.


This coming week you will get points for how close you come to the actual number so that more people are able to gain points. If you are off by more than 10 in any of your guesses you will lose 5 points.

1. Who is sent packing after over night dates?

2. How many different bathing suits are in the episode?

3. How many of the girls tell Jake they love him?

4. How many times will Gia say "like"?

5. How many times will Tenley say ex?

6. How many times will "the end" be said?
7. How many times will rose be said?
8. How many times will Ali be said?
9. How many of the girls accept the fantasy suite?
10. How many times does Jake cry/get teary?
Until next week...